Gioielli in Fermento 2019

Gioielli in Fermento in Joya Barcelona Art Jewellery & Objects 2019                                      

Gioielli in Fermento is an international exhibition project and award for contemporary studio jewelry. Starting from the landscapes of Italy in the winemaking region of Emilia hills, enjoying positive and inspiring environments, it opens its borders involving established and emerging artists from every country to express their relation with this particular context. Contemporary jewellery here may be seen as a “fermenting” creative process: the challenge is to turn natural and available elements into something precious and unique.

Gioielli in Fermento – Master Collection gathers most of the iconic pieces from previous editions presented together with a number of pieces released on purpose..




Altre News


It has been three years since we’ve opened our gallery on 9th June 2018!  

Gioielli in Fermento 2019

Gioielli in Fermento in Joya Barcelona Art Jewellery & Objects 2019